Thank you to Amenyo Foundation from the Paramount Chief of the village of Kpenoe

Togbe means "Chief" in Ghanaian culture. The village paramount chief is the head of government. There are elders or "sub" chiefs who are clan chiefs or chiefs of various "departments" of the village. Ewe is the first language of the village and this letter was written in his second language, English.


The following is a quote from a November 4, 2020 Facebook post by Togbe Kotoku XI, Paramount Chief of Kpenoe Traditional Area

“I remembered how you gave us a magnificent place of worship, good drinking water devoid of guinea worm, kindergartens block, furniture for the JHS, providing furniture and equipments for health clinic, and enrolling over 400 citizens for the health insurance card, and above all, scholarships for over 100 students. I can't forget the day you told me God brought you to us in Kpenoe. Thank you Amenyo Foundation and all who made possible for our dear town. We are grateful. Remembrance makes one grateful.

Togbe Kotoku XI, Paramount Chief of Kpenoe Traditional Area

May 28, 2016 


Thanks to Amenyo Foundation in America for providing all our health clinic furnishing. This is the best so far in Ghana. We are privileged to be your brothers and sisters in Ghana ( Kpenoe)  All the items you see on this sites were provided by Amenyo foundation. Amenyo foundation has been good to us in Kpenoe traditional area. Their interventions in Kpenoe includes educations where many had their university education, secondary school education , training of nurses, and polytechnique education and their commitment to education has attracted many student outside Kpenoe traditional area wants to enrollment in the JHS so they can benefit from the education fund. There has been a lot of social interventions such as provision of portal water to members of the community, registration of almost all members of the community for national health insurance scheme where citizens can accesses health care without paying a cent. Through many of your initiatives Kpenoe is now heaven on Earth. There has has been religious intervention where we have an ultra modern cathedral.

Thanks to Togbe and Mama Amenyo I.  (the Christensens)

Togbe Kotoku XI