Without basic health the villagers find obtaining basic needs and eduction even more difficult. When the Christensens arrived more than 20 years ago the Kpenoe villagers did not have access to clean drinking water, had no footwear to help ward off disease causing worms, and were not able to obtain even basic health care. Now the villages have a water system that provides clean water, have adequate footwear and better access to health care.  That said, there is still a long way to go until the health situation is adequate.. 


Specific Projects


Health Clinic


In 2015 a Health clinic was completed by the national government in Kpenoe which serves Kpenoe and surrounding villages. Although the basic staff is hired by the government, the local people are responsible for furnishings, medical equipment and supplies. Amenyo Foundation Foundation has supported the purchase of these items as well as paying the salary of and additional nurse (midwife)


Mobile Clinics

There are other smaller mobile clinics in the Ho area that are also in need of equipment and supplies. Amenyo Foundation helps those clinics meet critical equipment and supply needs.


Medical Insurance Cards

The government of Ghana has a available for purchase family health insurance cards. When these cards were first made available Amenyo Foundation purchased cards for 250 families in Kpenoe. Going forward Amenyo Foundation will be sure that scholarship students continue to have the health cards and will cover any emergncy medical expenses not covered by the cards.
