Amenyo Foundation Has Been Invited to Participate in a New and Exciting Mission

Great News!

In April, our president and another member of our Board will travel to Ghana in company with three medical professionals: two Medical Doctors and a Registered Nurse.  Lasting a little more than a week, the purpose of the trip will be to explore ways in years to come Amenyo Foundation, in cooperation with members of the medical community from the United States, can work with Ghanaian counterparts to positively address medical needs in Ghana.  This year's trip will be primarily a fact finding journey with the expectation of:

  1.  establishing contacts, 

  2. understanding Ghanaian needs,  

  3. exploring the possibility and potential for future engagements, 

  4. assessing what areas of health delivery can best benefit from such a partnership should such a future engagement prove feasible and desirable.

Assuming a positive outcome from this visit, already plans are being made to involve students and faculty from a nearby nursing college in future travel to Ghana.

Amenyo Foundation is very excited about developing this new effort to fulfill our charter of "facilitating cross-cultural purposes including community development, health resources and academic scholarship."