“Here are some thoughts about COVID-19 in Ghana from one of Amenyo’s scholarship students.
My view about corona virus as a student is that, it came unexpectedly and it affected the smooth running of everything in Ghana and the world at large. Especially our education in Ghana, because a cure or not even the protocol was not found to curb the situation a bit. We are using our phones to access the internet and learn at home .
Even using the internet, was not easy because it is not every student that has the requisite knowledge, equipment, and money to buy day and even network access to attend the classes online. At times, the internet does not run fast even if you have all that it takes for you to learn at home. Some people in the rural areas must travel to friends in the other towns before they part take in any school activities. But in spite of all this, I enjoyed studying at home. There was no more the stress of leaving the house early going to school and my technical skills has been sharpened too. It has also affected our economy, health, religious and our educational system which I have already said something little about.
To me this COVID-19 has affected us badly and has also and in a good way. In a good way in the sense that even as a student you should always be ready to learn new things and be ready for change so you can fit well into the working world.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you very much for supporting me during this serious time while we're still at home and studying because of COVID-19.
Thank you so much for everything.”